Top 10 Lab Tests for Your Child EBOOK is Here!

We are so excited to announce that today we are releasing our top 10 Lab Tests for Your Child E-Book!

E Book Cover Top 10 Lab Tests

This book has been an idea we have had for a number of years. It came from our own journey through the medical maze with our child. We realized early on that symptoms and behaviors were often noted in a chart but rarely investigated to try to determine what the collective “meaning” of the entire symptom constallation might be.  Perhaps your child is displaying their own dizzying array of “symptom constellations” at the moment, with more symptoms and behaviors to count than stars in the Milky Way.  You might have been told that it is just them being “a kid” or perhaps you have been told something much worse, like your child has a developmental disorder, autism or a mental illness.  STOP.  Before you take one more step. Please read this book. There is HOPE. There is more you can do for your child, but it requires that you empower yourself with some information about basic lab testing so you can help advocate for them effectively.

You are not alone. We are here to help. This book is a starting point for any parent who needs to dig deeper because their parental instict alarm is going off, saying something is “not quite right” with thier child’s health. Take the first step toward helping your child. Read the book.

(You can complete it in one evening, I promise!)

If you have specific questions after you read the book, please reach out to us. We are here to help.

Order your copy here:


ADHD Resources and Treatment Modalities

This past week, Empowered Medical Advocacy was honored to be a Gold Sponsor of the TMR e-Conference: ADHD: Extensive Options for Treatment Across Childhood and Adolescence.

This conference is packed full of expert presentations and ideas to discuss with your child’s medial team, in order to improve the quality of life of your child and your family.

Some of those experts featured include:

Dr. Mary Ann Block is Medical Director of The Block Center.

Sheri Davis, ADHD Diet Coach specializing in the Feingold and GFCF (gluten and dairy-free) diets.

Joqueta Handy Ph.D., M.S. CCC-SLP is an Integrative Medicine Doctor.

Victoria Dunckley, M.D., psychiatrist, screen-time expert and author of Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time. 

Peggy Chapman, CNS, PM HCMS-BC  is a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Beth Monterosso has studied Classical Homeopathy at the Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy.

Patricia S. Lemer is the author of Outsmarting Autism and a Licensed Professional Counselor who practiced as an educational diagnostician for over 40 years.

If you missed it live, you can watch the replay here:

(including our Empowered Medical Advocacy presentation at 6:16:23)