Top 10 Lab Tests for Your Child EBOOK is Here!

We are so excited to announce that today we are releasing our top 10 Lab Tests for Your Child E-Book!

E Book Cover Top 10 Lab Tests

This book has been an idea we have had for a number of years. It came from our own journey through the medical maze with our child. We realized early on that symptoms and behaviors were often noted in a chart but rarely investigated to try to determine what the collective “meaning” of the entire symptom constallation might be.  Perhaps your child is displaying their own dizzying array of “symptom constellations” at the moment, with more symptoms and behaviors to count than stars in the Milky Way.  You might have been told that it is just them being “a kid” or perhaps you have been told something much worse, like your child has a developmental disorder, autism or a mental illness.  STOP.  Before you take one more step. Please read this book. There is HOPE. There is more you can do for your child, but it requires that you empower yourself with some information about basic lab testing so you can help advocate for them effectively.

You are not alone. We are here to help. This book is a starting point for any parent who needs to dig deeper because their parental instict alarm is going off, saying something is “not quite right” with thier child’s health. Take the first step toward helping your child. Read the book.

(You can complete it in one evening, I promise!)

If you have specific questions after you read the book, please reach out to us. We are here to help.

Order your copy here:


Common Does NOT Equal Normal

It may be COMMON for children to be constipated in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have reflux in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have chronic ear infections requiring ear tubes in today’s world…

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have “toddler diarrhea” in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have trouble sleeping through the night (after infancy), in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to be allergic to peanuts, and milk, and soy, and fish, and wheat in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to be hyperactive and have attention deficits in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have asthma  in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have recurrent strep throat and sinus infections in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have eczema and other skin conditions (psoriasis and cradle cap)  in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to head-bang,  tantrum, and exhibit aggressive behavior beyond the toddler years, in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to toe-walk and arm flap in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to exhibit OCD behaviors (repetitive, hoarding) in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to be failure to thrive or obese in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON  for children to have developmental delays or learning disabilities in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

It may be COMMON for children to have seizures in today’s world….

but it is NOT NORMAL

Many will tell you that all these things are NORMAL and people may even tell you that, as a parent, you are worrying about your child “too much”, or that they will outgrow these things, or that it is just a phase…or, or, or…

Some others may tell you that your child’s collection of symptoms are being caused by a “mysterious syndrome” or “rare disease” or “disorder”, but when you dissect the list of symptoms the child has and look at them singularly, these symptoms are not RARE, they are COMMON, but they still are not NORMAL.


You are told these things because “SICK” is the

NEW NORMAL, in today’s world.


All these COMMON  “childhood” ailments are the BODY’s way of saying something is OUT OF BALANCE, NOT NORMAL, in need of TWEAKING, ADJUSTING, and ATTENTION

Continue to THINK, Continue to QUESTION, Continue to ASK WHY? and Continue to LOOK FOR ANSWERS and ADVOCATE for your child… because


We are here to help. Contact us if your child is suffering from the “new normal”, we can help.