ABC’s of Autism: E is For Eggs

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods available. From fried to scrambled to poached to hard-boiled, an egg’s possibilities are endless. Luckily for an egg’s consumers, it is also rich in Vitamin K2. This vitamin is not abundant in most foods and is found in significantly lower concentrations in eggs from caged hens than from pasture-raised hens.

So why are eggs so important? A 2015 scientific study suggested that supplementing an autistic child’s diet with vitamins such as Vitamin K drastically improved many of the internal problems that the child had experienced. Any lack of vitamins may manifest itself in physical or behavioral symptoms. That is why it is so important for all children, but especially autistic children, to consume a full range of vitamins.

In another study, it was hypothesized that children with Autism have metabolic and genetic abnormalities which may result in the reduction of the Vitamin K cycle.

What can you do? Consider purchasing only eggs from pasture-raised hens, as opposed to caged hens. These eggs are rich in Vitamin K2 (and taste significantly better than their caged counterparts!). The picture below demonstrates the drastic difference between pasture-raised and caged eggs. The yolk on the right is from the egg of a pasture-raised hen, and the yolk on the left is from a caged hen. They differ in both size and richness of color.

In this article, you can read more about the color of an egg yolk and vitamin K contents!

To learn more about the importance of K2 for health we recommend the book- The Calcium Paradox by  Dr. Kate Rheaume-Bleue. And to learn about how Vitamin K and Autism might be connected… read our K is for… post here.

If you want to learn more about vitamin-rich options for your entire family, we are here to help. Check out our Empowered Library for more resources.